Springtime is when many folks decide to get a new gun dog
You may be considering a new pup, but you have an older dog.
You may be saying to yourself, “My dog is 6 years old and in its prime. I’ll
wait until it is 9 or 10 before I get that new pup.” My recommendation is that
you do not wait! If you are definite about getting a new pup, now is the time
to bring that new pup into your home.
There are several reasons for doing so which follow:
1. Your present dog is in his/her prime and can take the
excessive running and exuberant “play” behavior of the pup.
It can simply run away from the pup if it wants.
2. Your present dog now has a kennel mate and in time they
will become “good buddies”
3. Once trained, the new dog will allow you to rest your
current dog and they will not be so exhausted from those multiple day hunting
4. Although somewhat controversial, the new pup can learn
some things from your present dog. Things like quartering a field, searching
out certain objectives and honoring come to mind.
It is important you do get that new pup before osteoarthritis
and a “crotchety” attitude sets in. When you do get that new pup, don’t forget
to show attention to your current dog.
Remember, he /she was the “star” of the show. Show them even
more attention than before. You want to reassure them that they are still the
“top dog” and the new pup has not changed their status at all. When the time
for retirement of the older dog comes, it will be a much easier transition for
you and your dog.
Stop by again next month for another training tip.