Wow, another year is in the books! When I was a young boy a week seemed like a year. Now that I am "on the back nine", a year seems like a week. Oh, how time seems to speed up as we age. Speaking of time, it seems that this hunting season is passing at warp speed. However, there still is time for you and your 4 legged hunting companion to get in a couple of hunts before the season ends. Many states offer upland bird hunting until the end of January and some even into February (Arizona and New Mexico for several species of quail).
I enjoy the late season hunts for several reasons:
1. Fewer hunters. You may not see any other hunters at all.
2. Birds (pheasants) tend to be bunched up in ditches and shelter belts which are easier to hunt solo or with one or two other hunters.
3. The weather is cooler and better for your dog. However, extreme cold weather is possible and requires extra attention be given to your dog. (Refer to last months tip, December 2015, in dealing with cold conditions).
4. You are more likely to gain permission to hunt from ranchers and farmers as their family hunts are done for the season. Also, they recognize that since you are hunting this late in the season, you are a serious hunter and will respect their property.
CJ & Shawnee