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COMING SOON! Itchy Dog® Skin & Coat Formula Soft Chews

Posted by Brook S. on 6/25/2021 to General
We are very excited to announce the upcoming launch of Itchy Dog® Soft Chews! Customer feedback made us aware of the need for a more treat-like format for smaller dogs with more sophisticated taste! Expect to see this new product in stock and

Snake Avoidance Clinic hosted by Bearpoint Kennels

Posted by on 5/27/2021 to Events
Bearpoint Kennels of Calhan, Colorado is hosting a Snake Avoidance Clinic June 11, 12 and 13, 2021. If interested, visit the Bearpoint Kennels website or contact them directly.

Point, don't flush!

Posted by C.J. Kausel on 3/19/2021 to Training Tips
Point, don't flush!
Last month we discussed working on problem areas during the off season. One issue covered pointing dogs creeping in after a point or outright flushing the bird. The other issue was flushing dogs ranging out too far and out of gun range.  This

Off-season Field Work

Posted by C.J. Kausel on 2/8/2021 to Training Tips
Well, another upland bird hunting season is now on the record. We cherish those days of autumn with coolness of air, the special scent of the season, and those magical days afield with our bird dogs. Now we must wait another seven months to the

Late Season Pheasant Hunts

Posted by C.J. Kausel on 1/11/2021 to Training Tips
First of all, Happy New Year! Wow, where has the year gone? It seems to me as I get older and am starting to slow a bit, the years speed up and go by faster and faster. That really applies to the bird hunting season. It seems that September 1st was